शनिवार, 2 मार्च 2019

Pavbhaji Pizza

Pavbhaji Pizza

Yesterday I had prepared pavbhaji.. N thus is from left over bhaji

For pizza base

1 cup maida
1/2 cup water
1 tsp dry active yeast
1 tsp milk powder
1 tsp sugar
1 tbsp butter/ refined oil

First in lukewarm  water dissolve sugar n yeast ...  and keep covered in a warm place  i kept inside oven which was already warm because I  boiled Water in it ... .After 10-15 mins yeast will get activated
In a bowl mix maida ,butter,milk powder and knead it with yeast water to  soft dough.Cover this and keep in warm place for 2 hrs(again used microwave) After 2 hrs  atta will become double in size ...

For pizza topping
Bhaji of pavbhaji
chopped tomatoes, capsicum,  corn and salt ,red chilli flakes oregano.

 FIrst preheat oven to 200 degrees.Now take small size ball of dough and roll into  chapati ,Keep thickness as like ,Keep this base on greased baking tray .Now apply a layer of bhaji(pavbhaji ki) and then all veggies of ur choice..  Sprinkle some salt and red chilli flakes.. .Sprinkle pizza cheese and bake for 17-18 mins at 200 degrees  pizza is ready  sprinkle oregano n serve..

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