सोमवार, 26 नवंबर 2018

Coconut Makhana Laddoo/Gluten Free Laddoo

Coconut Makhana (lotus seeds popcorn) Laddoo

(For 5-6 medium size laddoo)
Fresh coconut (Scraped/Ground) 1 bowl
Makhane (lotus seeds popcorn) 1 bowl
Dry fruits chopped
Sugar 5 tsp (1/4 bowl)
Ghee 2 tsp+2 tsp

Heat 2 tsp ghee in a wok fry chopped dry fruits(except kishmish) on low heat till crisp... Remove n keep aside in same wok roast makhana till crisp ...  Let cool completely..  Meanwhile grind fresh coconut n sugar in mixer n roast in a nonstick pan with 2 tsp ghee ... Till it becomes dry mass.... Switch off flame..  Add fried nuts + kishmish .
Grind #MAKHANA #COARSELY...  and add to roasted coconut.....  Mix well n make laddooes when mixture is warm .

my recipe in Marathi newnewspap Maharashtra Times

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