मंगलवार, 5 सितंबर 2017

Onion Tomato Chutney

Very easy and quick recipe of chutney from south Indian cuisines
Tastes yummy with any type of dosa & Uttappam

Onion 1
Tomato 2
Garlic cloves 3-4
 Oil 1 tsp
Mustard seeds few
Asafoetida/Hing a pinch
Dry Red chillies 2-3
Salt to taste

Cut onion and tomatoes in big pieces.  Heat oil in a pan add mustard seeds , garlic and hing. Then add red chillies and onion. sauté for a minute or two .  Add salt and tomatoes .  cook till raw smell goes away .  Remove from heat and Let it .  Grind to paste without adding water. .It is ready.
*You can temper it with little oil and mustard seeds/cumin seeds.

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