सोमवार, 4 सितंबर 2017

Sabudana Thalipeeth /Tapioca Pancake

Sabudana Thaleepith

Thalipeeth is a special Maharashtrian, savoury multigrain pancake but here i made thalipeeth by using sabudana/tapioca and few vegetables
Sabudana/sago/tapioca  is generally used in fasting preparations..but this thalipeeth is not for fasting.  Easy and yummy dish you can prepare for breakfast and for kid's tiffin too.

for 4 thalipeeth

2 medium cups soaked sago
1 potato boiled
1 carrot grated
2 tablespoon cucumber grated
2 tablespoon bottle gourd (dudhi/lauki) grated
Green chillies chopped as per taste
2 tablespoon coriander leaves chopped
1 teaspoon sugar( optional )
salt to taste
3-4 teaspoons oil for pan frying thalipeeth

*Properly 3-4 hours soaked sabudana in sufficient water is must in this preparation .(Just like we soak it for sabudana khichdi)

Take sabudana in a deep bowl grated carrot , bottle gourd .
mash the boil potato and add to it.

Squeeze grated cucumber and add to it.

Add all ingredients one by one except oil.

Mix well. It should be in bind consistency . If you feel it is not you can add little rice flour to it. (*No need to add water. )
Dough should not be too soft or too hard
Make 4 medium sized round balls from dough

To flatten each ball  put it between 2 plastic sheets and carefully roll it
*U can apply lil oil on plastic sheet  to avoid d dough to stick
Heat 1 tsp oil in  nonstick tawa and place the Thalipeeth on tawa with the help of palm after removing plastic sheet(Do it carefully otherwise it will break)
Drizzle a little oil
Cook approximately for 2 mins on medium heat on either sides.
It is ready to serve.

*You can add little chat masala and squeeze little lemon too while mixing ingredients.

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