गुरुवार, 24 अगस्त 2017

Thai Salad

Salad is a very healthy dish one shoud add to his/her meal. we can make different types of salad which suits our taste buds. Here is my way to prepare Thai salad.  It is easy and yummy too.

Potatoes 2 boiled
peas 1/4 cup boiled
French beans (chopped n microwaved for 2 min ) 1/2 cup
carrot grated 1/4 cup
for dressing
roasted groundnut 1/2 cup
tamarind pulp 1 tablespoon
red chilly powder 1/4 teaspoon
jaggery crushed 1 teaspoon (according  to taste)
salt to taste
water 1/4 to 1/2 cup

grind groundnut, red chilly powder , tamarind pulp , water and jaggry.
Add salt and mix well . Your dressing is ready.

cut potatoes into pieces . add all vegetables in a big  deep bowl.
add dressing (quantity as you wish)

mix carefully  and serve

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