सोमवार, 14 अगस्त 2017

Tri Coloured salad/Koshimbir

Happy_Independence_Day to all of you
Here is my Tri_Coloured_Salad
Koshimbir Popular salad from Maharastrian cuisine
I have made it on the occasion of Independence Day

1 cucumber grated
1 carrot grated
3 tablespoons hung curd
1/2 teaspoon sugar.
few springs of coriander leaves
1 green chilly
salt to taste
while mixing add one tablespoon ground peanut powder .

make a fine paste of coriander leaves along with chilly and salt.
squeeze grated cucumber and mix it in coriander puree.
add salt and sugar to curd and mix it using electronic mixer
add pinch of salt to grated carrot.

Arrange first cucumber then curd and lastly carrot.
it is ready try coloured salad
while serving add one tablespoon groind peanut powder and mix well.

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